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Scorpion’s Tail

With special thanks to Onyx for providing feedback for an early draft “Summon him, I’ll have no more missing scouts!” “My liege, he hasn’t–“”Summon him!” boomed King Allodi, punctuating his command by striking his ornate staff into the stone floor. “Yes, my liege. It will be done.” Sounds of hoofbeats echoing along the cobbled roads…

Miscellaneous ideas and Carp Poems Vol. 1

Candlelight Can you hear it, friend, the silence of the light? Can you smell it, friend, the harmony of the night? Both are visible, terrible and bright, tis the aspect of flickering candle-light. Ah, friend, tales such as these seem to be our birthright. We give birth to war and strife, a violent war of…

Every Man Has A Different Box

Originally inspired by @Atrax of the Gentleman’s Corner Discord Server September 3rd 1153, A.D. I am the first to solve the clues. It was so obvious to me that an infant could have figured it out. Legends and history spoke of only one place ‘mired in the desire of old’. There was a mineshaft, out…

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